Background: Fatigue, stress and pain are common symptoms among cancer patients, affecting the quality oflife. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of distant Reiki on pain, anxiety and fatigue inoncology patients. Materials and Methods: Participants in the control group received usual medical and nursingcare during their stay. The intervention group received usual care plus five distant Reiki sessions, one eachnight for 30 min. A face to face interview was performed and patient personal and illness related characteristicswere evaluated using the Patient Characteristics form. Pain, stress and fatigue were evaluated according to anumeric rating scale. Results: The experimental group was predominantly composed of women (71.4%), marriedindividuals (40%), and primary school graduates (40%). The control group was predominantly male (72.7%),married (60%), and primary school graduates (60%). The control group demonstrated greater levels of pain(p=0.002), stress (p=0.001) and fatigue (p=0.001). The Reiki group pain score (p <0.0001), stress score (p <0.001)and fatigue score were also significantly lower. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that Reiki mayd ecreasepain, anxiety and fatigue in oncology patients
(2015). Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(12), 4859-4862.
. "Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study", Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16, 12, 2015, 4859-4862.
(2015). 'Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study', Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16(12), pp. 4859-4862.
, "Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study," Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 16 12 (2015): 4859-4862,
Effects of Distant Reiki On Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue in Oncology Patients in Turkey: A Pilot Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, 2015; 16(12): 4859-4862.