Detection of HBV Genotype C in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients from North East India: a Brief Report

Document Type : Short Communications


1 PCR Hepatitis Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.

2 Department of Biotechnology, Assam down town University, Panikhaiti, Assam, India.


Background and Objectives: Newer genotypes of HBV have been reported from India. This study was aimed to
determine the circulating genotypes of HBV in hepatocellular carcinoma patients from three different geographical
locations of India. Methods: 141 HBV related HCC cases were included from three different hospitals across the country.
Genotyping of HBV was performed by PCR using type specific primers specially designed in 70 cases. Samples of
interest were confirmed by direct sequencing of the precore/core region of HBV genome. Results: Genotypes could
be detected in 40 (57.14%) out of the 70 HBV DNA positive HCC cases by type specific primers. HBV genotype D
was documented in 20 (50%), genotype A in 10 (25.0%) and genotype C in 10 (25.0%) of these HCC cases. Genotype
C of HBV was detected only in the samples from North East India. No significant difference was observed for the
biochemical profile. Conclusion: Although Genotype D is the major HBV genotype in India followed by A, detection
of HBV genotypes C in HCC patients indicates a changing epidemiology of the virus in India that may require region
based management of the virus.


Main Subjects