Exposure of Spargue Dawley Rats to Phone Cell Electromagnetic Field Frequency and Related Physiological, Apoptotic and Molecular Profile of Para Oral Tissues: In–vivo Study

Document Type : Research Articles


1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, South Valley University, Qena 83523, Egypt.

2 Research and Development Sector, the Holding Company for Production of Vaccines Sera and Drugs, VACSERA- Egypt.


Objective: Daily exposure to cellular EMF induced a long run deleterious impact. Accordingly, the aim of the present work is to find out the deleterious drawbacks of daily exposure of human to the cellular EMF concerning the pathological, biochemical /physiological and apoptosis profile in EM and EMF/Avocado, sole Avocado and EMF exposed /recovery group of rats. Methods: Different age (Adult, young and Senile) groups were considered. Exposure of S, A and Y rats to EMF showed elevated ROS, MDA and reduced SOD and administration of avocado customized the changes of oxidative stress. Apoptotic activity of both tongue and PG of Y, A and senile rats exposed to EMF showed age dependent response. The apoptotic effect was arranged positively as S, Y and A, revealing higher necrotic activity, Early and late apoptosis in S, Y and A rats. PG tissue showed a noticeable resistance to EMF effect. Conclusion: Also, the physiological alteration was detected insignificantly among test groups where EMF/Avocado treated groups showed almost normalization of oxidative stress compared with its values in control and EMF/Avocado and EMF recovery groups. Also, pathological changes detected in exposed groups showed the same recurrency of different tissue to normal profile.


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