Volume & Issue: Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2025 
Revolutionizing Esophageal Cancer Care: The Power of Early Detection and AI

Pages 713-714

Raja Muhammad Umer Panhwar; Qurat Ul Ain Iftikhar

Role of SNHGs in Adverse Prognostic Factors in Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review

Pages 735-741

Eleilde Almeida Araujo; Fernanda Jeniffer Lindoso Lima; Maria do Socorro de Sousa Cartagenes; Gyl Eanes Barros Silva; Jessica Manoelli Costa da Silva; André Salim Khayat; Fabiano Cordeiro Moreira; Ana Gabriela Caldas Oliveira; Ana Gabrielly de Melo Matos; Jaqueline Diniz Pinho; Marcelo Souza de Andrade

Check the Impact of Mobile Health on Medication Adherence in Adolescents with Leukemia

Pages 751-755

Masome Hosseinpour; Azam Shirinabadi Farahani; Maryam Varzeshnejad; Malihe Nasiri

Behavioural and Social Drivers (BeSD) of HPV vaccination in Zimbabwe: A Rapid Scoping Review of Literature

Pages 775-783

Denford Munyaradzi Chuma; Ransom Machacha; Alex O. Adjagba; James January

Counselling to Screening: Honing an Institutional Cervical Cancer Screening Program

Pages 785-789

Latika Chawla; Shalini Rajaram; Ipshita Sahoo; Shilpa Panta; Ayush Heda; Anupama Bahadur; Amrita Gaurav; Rajlaxmi Mundhra; Kavita Khoiwal; Ravi Kajal; Jaya Chaturvedi

Effect of Exercise Therapy, Systemic Acupuncture and Silicon Oxide Tablets on Muscular Strength, Lymphedema, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors: Randomized Clinical Trial

Pages 799-808

Patricia Santolia Giron; Cinira Assad Simão Haddad; Samantha Karlla Lopes de Almeida Rizzi; Simone Elias; Afonso Celso Pinto Nazário; Gil Facina

Exercise Therapy, Systemic Acupuncture and Silicon Oxide Tablets in the Rehabilitation of Physical and Functional Disorders in Breast Cancer Survivors: Randomized Clinical Trial

Pages 809-817

Patricia Santolia Giron; Cinira Assad Haddad; Samantha Karlla Lopes de Almeida Rizzi; Simone Elias; Afonso Celso Pinto Nazario; Gil Facina

Genetic Polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 Genes and Breast Cancer Risk in Rural Maharashtra: Insights from a Case- Control Study

Pages 829-837

Kailas D Datkhile; Suresh J Bhosale; Rashmi A Gudur; Nilam J Jagdale; Ashwini L More; Anand K. Gudur

Incidence and Risk Factors for Invasive Fungal Infection in Patients with Hematological Malignancies at a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia

Pages 839-845

Chin Sum Cheong; Thevambiga Iyadorai; Sun Tee Tay; Chee Chiat Liong; Najihah Hussein; Chandramathi Samudi; Rukumani Velayuthan; Ping Chong Bee; Edmund Fui Min Chin; Shasha Khairullah; Yazid Zamri; Gin Gin Gan

Disparities in the Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening in Kuwait: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Nationwide WHO STEPS Survey

Pages 861-868

Eiman Alawadhi; Soad Albahar; Eleni Tolma; Joseph Longenecker; Eiman Tawheed; Rihab Al-Wotayan

Breast Cancer Myths, Mysterious Miracles and Mistrust among Rural Womenfolk in Sarawak

Pages 869-876

Melissa Siaw Han Lim; Fitri Suraya Mohamad; Keng Sheng Chew; Nafeesa Mat Ali; Yolanda Augustin

Compliance of Tobacco Free Educational Institution (ToFEI) Guidelines among Schools in Goa, India: An Observational Study

Pages 899-904

Ridhima Gaunkar; Vinita Sanjeevan; Akshatha Gadiyar; Vinayak Kamath; Amita Kenkre Kamat; Apurva Prashant Deshpande; Fhelen Da Costa

Resveratrol-Induced Modulation of Key Genes and DNA Fragmentation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells

Pages 905-911

Laith Alhawamdeh; Belal Almajali; Ali M Atoom; Hanan Kamel M. Saad; Razan Madi; Hamid Ali Nagi Al-Jamal

Assessment of Cytotoxicity, Impact on Cell Migration and Apoptotic Modulation of Acteoside and Plantamajoside on Human Breast Adenocarcinoma (MCF-7)

Pages 925-934

Kyle Andrei Cabatit; Lara Justine Carandang; Dianne Joyce Saragpon; Khayria Minalang; John Paulin; Mark Kevin Devanadera; Minerva Daya

PTEN and HES1 Gene Expression Alteration in Breast Cancer: Any Association with Tumor Histomorphological Features or Invasive Behavior?

Pages 935-941

Maryam Zahedi; Nooshin Zaresharifi; Sahand Karimzadhagh; Alireza Abdollahi; Zohreh Nozarian

Role of Lyn Immunohistochemical Staining in Progression of Colorectal Carcinoma

Pages 943-948

Hany Y Sayed; Reda F Abdelmeguid; Dalia M. Abd El-Rehim; Nisreen A.A. Osman; Nisreen DM Toni

Increased expression of PTCH1 and GLI1 in Bangladeshi TNBC Patients after Treatment with Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Suggests a Favorable Response to Chemotherapy

Pages 949-958

Ramendu Parial; Shafiqul Islam; Ridwan Ahmed; Nusrat Jerin; S.M. Sabbir Alam; Md. Mizanur Rahman; Ali Asgar Chowdhury; Shakera Ahmed; Mohammed Moinul Islam; Abu Shadat Mohammod Noman; Muhammad Mosaraf Hossain

Designing and Implementing a Cancer Screening Program for Underserved Tribal Women in Jharkhand

Pages 977-984

Rahul Rewati Raman; Somika Meet; Hemlata M Tiwari; Kunal Oswal; Neetu Sinha; Amol Gaikwad; Yogesh Jain; Umesh Rana; Ramachandran Venkataramanan; Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan

EMMPRIN Correlated with β-CATENIN in Various t Stages of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma

Pages 1001-1007

Rista Widhi Nugrahani; Alphania Rahniayu; Gondo Mastutik

Development and Characterization of Curcumin Loaded PEGylated Niosomal Nanoparticles: Potential Anti-Cancer Effect on Breast Cancer Cells through RFC Gene Expression

Pages 1017-1026

Neda Iranpoor; Davoud Jafari-Gharabaghlou; Siham Abdulzehra; Mohammad Reza Dashti; Fatemeh Gorbanzadeh; Nosratollah Zarghami

Effects Atra on MMP-9 Activity and Integrin Expression in Choriocarcinoma Culture Cell Line Bewo (ATCC CCL-98)

Pages 1027-1033

Tatit Nurseta; I Wayan Agung Indrawan; Didik Agus Gunawan; Komang Resty Pramudia Wardani

Preliminary Study of Spontaneous Micronuclei and Hematology Profile of Workers Exposed to Low-Dose Radiation

Pages 1035-1041

Yanti Lusiyanti; Devita Tetriana; Viria Agesti Suvifan; Teja Kisnanto; Darlina Yusuf; Caecilia Tuti Budiantari; Harry Nugroho Eko Surniyantoro; Iin Kurnia Hasan Basri; Sofiati Purnami

Exploring the Cytotoxic Activity of Dillenia serrata Thunb. Leaf Extracts: An In Vitro and In Silico Investigation

Pages 1043-1051

Herlina Rasyid; Nunuk Hariani Soekamto; Bulkis Musa; Syadza Firdausiah; Siswanto Siswanto; Arniati Labanni; Artania A T Suma; Nur Hilal A Syahrir; Harno Dwi Pranowo; Risnita Vicky Listyarini; Bahrun Bahrun; Kadek Susi Badrawati; Mohammad Taufik Yusuf

Investigating the Potential Synergistic Effects of Turmeric Extract and Black Rice Bran as Cytotoxic Agents Against HeLa Cells

Pages 1059-1067

Rantika Silfarohana; Kuncara Nata Waskita; Nurul Hidayatul Mar'ah; Muhammad Saifur Rohman; Rizal Maarif Rukmana

The Fusion Genes and Their Relation with Genetic Variants in Egyptian AML Patients

Pages 1069-1078

Reham Abdel Haleem Abo Elwafa; Magdy Mamdouh ElBordiny; Akram Deghedy; Ashraf Elghandour; Engy Taher Ammar

Prognostic Significance of Chaperonin-Containing Tailless Complex Polypeptide 6A (CCT6A) in Ewing Sarcoma

Pages 1079-1087

Eman A Saad; Mona Y Y Abd Allah; Suzy Abd Elamabood Abd-EL-Hameed; Azza Abdel-Aziz; Zalata Khaled

Improving the Timely Reporting of Critical Radiological Results in Oncology to Enhance Patient Safety (A Quality Improvement Initiative at SQCCCRC)

Pages 1089-1097

Badriya Al Qassabi; Rashid Al Sukaiti; Shima Alajmi; Ahmed Sheikh Omar; Rawan Ibrahim; Balaqis Al Faliti; Aref Zribi; Juma Al Kasbi; Salim Nasser AlDhahli; Mashan Mohammed AlGhaithi; Nabiha Said AlHasni; Sara Al Sheedi; Huda Shinoon Al-Awaisi; Abdallah Al Farai; Omar Ayaad; Khalid Al-Baimani