Document Type : Research Articles
Master Program of Biotechnology, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Research Center for Vaccine and Drug, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia.
The College of Health Sciences Bhakti Husada Mulia, Taman Praja street No. 25, Taman district, Madiun, East Java, Indonesia.
Department of Agricultural Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Research Center for Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Traditional Medicine, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the synergistic effect of extract combinations from turmeric and black rice bran extract as anticancer agents on HeLa cells. Methods: Turmeric and black rice bran extracts were obtained by maceration with 96% ethanol. To determine the IC50 and combination index values, the cytotoxic assay of the extracts on HeLa cells was evaluated using the MTT assay, individually or in combination. The LC-HRMS analysis was employed to profile each extract. Result: Turmeric and black rice bran extracts yielded 23.29% and 7.57%, respectively, and LC-HRMS revealed that turmeric extract has the most ar-turmerone at 10.4%. In contrast, black rice bran extract contains many fatty acid derivative compounds. The MTT assay showed that turmeric extract had an IC50 value of 54 µg/mL against HeLa cells, while black rice bran extract had an IC50 value of 446 µg/mL. Combining ½ IC50 of turmeric extract and ½ IC50 of black rice bran extract has a synergistic effect, resulting in a lower viable cell population of 43.04% compared to the individual treatment of turmeric and black rice bran extract, which resulted in 96.92% and 79.30%, respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that a combination of turmeric and black rice bran exhibits greater cytotoxic activity than the individual extracts, promising an alternative anticancer treatment, particularly for cervical cancer.
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