Determination of a Change Point in the Age at Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using a Survival Model

Volume 17, S3, June 2016, Pages 5-10

Mahbubeh Abdollahi; Ebrahim Hajizadeh; Ahmad Reza Baghestani; Shahpar Haghighat

A Review of Gastric Cancer Research in Malaysia

Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2019, Pages 5-11

Kean Ghee Lim; Kandasami Palayan

The Global Experience of Cancer Pain

Volume 11, Supplement 1, December 2010, Pages 7-12

Quitline Activity in China

Volume 17, S2, May 2016, Pages 7-9

Jijiang Wang; Yi Nan; Yan Yang; Yuan Jiang

A School-Based Study of the Influence of Students’ Relationship with Teachers on Their Cigarette Smoking Behaviour in Jamaican

Volume 19, S1, April 2018, Pages 7-12

Sarah N Oshi; Daniel C Oshi; Steve Weaver; Chinwendu F Agu; Patrice Whitehorne-Smith; Tana Ricketts-Roomes; Ijeoma A Meka; Tania Rae; Wendel D Abel

Attitude and Practice Regarding Breast Cancer Early Detection among Iranian Women: A Systematic Review

Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2018, Pages 9-16

Mahin Badakhsh; Abbas Balouchi; Safiyeh Taheri; Salehoddin Bouya; Sudabeh Ahmadidarrehsima; Mohammadnaem Aminifard

Radiographers’ Occupational Health Assessments and their Radiation Exposure during COVID-19 era; A Call for an Action

Volume 24, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 9-11

Ruhollah Ghahramani-Asl; Ensieh Ravanbakhsh; Seyed Alireza Javadinia

Methodology for the Global Youth Tobacco Use Survey (GYST), Vietnam, 2014

Volume 17, S1, May 2016, Pages 11-15

Kim Bao Giang; Hoang Van Minh; Phan Thi Hai; Doan Thu Huyen; Luong Ngoc Khue; Nguyen Thuy Linh; Nguyen Tuan Lam; Pham Thi Quynh Nga; Luu Ngoc Hoat

Aichi Cancer Center

Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2000, Pages 12-13