The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention (APJCP) is a monthly electronic journal that publishes papers in a wide spectrum of cancer sciences. It was launched in 2000 as the official publication of the Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention (APOCP), and its first volume, with 51 articles, was published in 2000. 

The APJCP with its distinguished, diverse, and Asia-wide team of editors, reviewers, and readers, ensures the highest standards of research communication within the cancer sciences community across Asia and globally. The APJCP accepts a manuscript on the whole spectrum of cancer sciences.

All manuscripts published in the Asia Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the published work, provided the original work and source are appropriately cited. 

 New Editorial policy

Close to 10% of manuscripts submitted and accepted for publication in APJCP suffer from low-quality English writing, which is a burden on the journal's editorial system. In order to address this, the journal’s editorial team has set up a quality assurance policy.  Starting from July 1, 2017, all manuscripts .. Read more

Current Issue: Volume 26, Issue 3, March 2025 

Revolutionizing Esophageal Cancer Care: The Power of Early Detection and AI

Pages 713-714

Raja Muhammad Umer Panhwar; Qurat Ul Ain Iftikhar

Role of SNHGs in Adverse Prognostic Factors in Cervical Cancer: A Systematic Review

Pages 735-741

Eleilde Almeida Araujo; Fernanda Jeniffer Lindoso Lima; Maria do Socorro de Sousa Cartagenes; Gyl Eanes Barros Silva; Jessica Manoelli Costa da Silva; André Salim Khayat; Fabiano Cordeiro Moreira; Ana Gabriela Caldas Oliveira; Ana Gabrielly de Melo Matos; Jaqueline Diniz Pinho; Marcelo Souza de Andrade

Check the Impact of Mobile Health on Medication Adherence in Adolescents with Leukemia

Pages 751-755

Masome Hosseinpour; Azam Shirinabadi Farahani; Maryam Varzeshnejad; Malihe Nasiri

Behavioural and Social Drivers (BeSD) of HPV vaccination in Zimbabwe: A Rapid Scoping Review of Literature

Pages 775-783

Denford Munyaradzi Chuma; Ransom Machacha; Alex O. Adjagba; James January

Counselling to Screening: Honing an Institutional Cervical Cancer Screening Program

Pages 785-789

Latika Chawla; Shalini Rajaram; Ipshita Sahoo; Shilpa Panta; Ayush Heda; Anupama Bahadur; Amrita Gaurav; Rajlaxmi Mundhra; Kavita Khoiwal; Ravi Kajal; Jaya Chaturvedi

Effect of Exercise Therapy, Systemic Acupuncture and Silicon Oxide Tablets on Muscular Strength, Lymphedema, and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors: Randomized Clinical Trial

Pages 799-808

Patricia Santolia Giron; Cinira Assad Simão Haddad; Samantha Karlla Lopes de Almeida Rizzi; Simone Elias; Afonso Celso Pinto Nazário; Gil Facina

Exercise Therapy, Systemic Acupuncture and Silicon Oxide Tablets in the Rehabilitation of Physical and Functional Disorders in Breast Cancer Survivors: Randomized Clinical Trial

Pages 809-817

Patricia Santolia Giron; Cinira Assad Haddad; Samantha Karlla Lopes de Almeida Rizzi; Simone Elias; Afonso Celso Pinto Nazario; Gil Facina

Genetic Polymorphism of GSTM1, GSTT1, GSTP1 Genes and Breast Cancer Risk in Rural Maharashtra: Insights from a Case- Control Study

Pages 829-837

Kailas D Datkhile; Suresh J Bhosale; Rashmi A Gudur; Nilam J Jagdale; Ashwini L More; Anand K. Gudur

Incidence and Risk Factors for Invasive Fungal Infection in Patients with Hematological Malignancies at a Tertiary Hospital in Malaysia

Pages 839-845

Chin Sum Cheong; Thevambiga Iyadorai; Sun Tee Tay; Chee Chiat Liong; Najihah Hussein; Chandramathi Samudi; Rukumani Velayuthan; Ping Chong Bee; Edmund Fui Min Chin; Shasha Khairullah; Yazid Zamri; Gin Gin Gan

Disparities in the Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening in Kuwait: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Nationwide WHO STEPS Survey

Pages 861-868

Eiman Alawadhi; Soad Albahar; Eleni Tolma; Joseph Longenecker; Eiman Tawheed; Rihab Al-Wotayan

Breast Cancer Myths, Mysterious Miracles and Mistrust among Rural Womenfolk in Sarawak

Pages 869-876

Melissa Siaw Han Lim; Fitri Suraya Mohamad; Keng Sheng Chew; Nafeesa Mat Ali; Yolanda Augustin

Compliance of Tobacco Free Educational Institution (ToFEI) Guidelines among Schools in Goa, India: An Observational Study

Pages 899-904

Ridhima Gaunkar; Vinita Sanjeevan; Akshatha Gadiyar; Vinayak Kamath; Amita Kenkre Kamat; Apurva Prashant Deshpande; Fhelen Da Costa

Resveratrol-Induced Modulation of Key Genes and DNA Fragmentation in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Cells

Pages 905-911

Laith Alhawamdeh; Belal Almajali; Ali M Atoom; Hanan Kamel M. Saad; Razan Madi; Hamid Ali Nagi Al-Jamal

Assessment of Cytotoxicity, Impact on Cell Migration and Apoptotic Modulation of Acteoside and Plantamajoside on Human Breast Adenocarcinoma (MCF-7)

Pages 925-934

Kyle Andrei Cabatit; Lara Justine Carandang; Dianne Joyce Saragpon; Khayria Minalang; John Paulin; Mark Kevin Devanadera; Minerva Daya

PTEN and HES1 Gene Expression Alteration in Breast Cancer: Any Association with Tumor Histomorphological Features or Invasive Behavior?

Pages 935-941

Maryam Zahedi; Nooshin Zaresharifi; Sahand Karimzadhagh; Alireza Abdollahi; Zohreh Nozarian

Role of Lyn Immunohistochemical Staining in Progression of Colorectal Carcinoma

Pages 943-948

Hany Y Sayed; Reda F Abdelmeguid; Dalia M. Abd El-Rehim; Nisreen A.A. Osman; Nisreen DM Toni

Increased expression of PTCH1 and GLI1 in Bangladeshi TNBC Patients after Treatment with Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Suggests a Favorable Response to Chemotherapy

Pages 949-958

Ramendu Parial; Shafiqul Islam; Ridwan Ahmed; Nusrat Jerin; S.M. Sabbir Alam; Md. Mizanur Rahman; Ali Asgar Chowdhury; Shakera Ahmed; Mohammed Moinul Islam; Abu Shadat Mohammod Noman; Muhammad Mosaraf Hossain

Designing and Implementing a Cancer Screening Program for Underserved Tribal Women in Jharkhand

Pages 977-984

Rahul Rewati Raman; Somika Meet; Hemlata M Tiwari; Kunal Oswal; Neetu Sinha; Amol Gaikwad; Yogesh Jain; Umesh Rana; Ramachandran Venkataramanan; Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan

EMMPRIN Correlated with β-CATENIN in Various t Stages of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma

Pages 1001-1007

Rista Widhi Nugrahani; Alphania Rahniayu; Gondo Mastutik

Development and Characterization of Curcumin Loaded PEGylated Niosomal Nanoparticles: Potential Anti-Cancer Effect on Breast Cancer Cells through RFC Gene Expression

Pages 1017-1026

Neda Iranpoor; Davoud Jafari-Gharabaghlou; Siham Abdulzehra; Mohammad Reza Dashti; Fatemeh Gorbanzadeh; Nosratollah Zarghami

Effects Atra on MMP-9 Activity and Integrin Expression in Choriocarcinoma Culture Cell Line Bewo (ATCC CCL-98)

Pages 1027-1033

Tatit Nurseta; I Wayan Agung Indrawan; Didik Agus Gunawan; Komang Resty Pramudia Wardani

Preliminary Study of Spontaneous Micronuclei and Hematology Profile of Workers Exposed to Low-Dose Radiation

Pages 1035-1041

Yanti Lusiyanti; Devita Tetriana; Viria Agesti Suvifan; Teja Kisnanto; Darlina Yusuf; Caecilia Tuti Budiantari; Harry Nugroho Eko Surniyantoro; Iin Kurnia Hasan Basri; Sofiati Purnami

Exploring the Cytotoxic Activity of Dillenia serrata Thunb. Leaf Extracts: An In Vitro and In Silico Investigation

Pages 1043-1051

Herlina Rasyid; Nunuk Hariani Soekamto; Bulkis Musa; Syadza Firdausiah; Siswanto Siswanto; Arniati Labanni; Artania A T Suma; Nur Hilal A Syahrir; Harno Dwi Pranowo; Risnita Vicky Listyarini; Bahrun Bahrun; Kadek Susi Badrawati; Mohammad Taufik Yusuf

Investigating the Potential Synergistic Effects of Turmeric Extract and Black Rice Bran as Cytotoxic Agents Against HeLa Cells

Pages 1059-1067

Rantika Silfarohana; Kuncara Nata Waskita; Nurul Hidayatul Mar'ah; Muhammad Saifur Rohman; Rizal Maarif Rukmana

The Fusion Genes and Their Relation with Genetic Variants in Egyptian AML Patients

Pages 1069-1078

Reham Abdel Haleem Abo Elwafa; Magdy Mamdouh ElBordiny; Akram Deghedy; Ashraf Elghandour; Engy Taher Ammar

Prognostic Significance of Chaperonin-Containing Tailless Complex Polypeptide 6A (CCT6A) in Ewing Sarcoma

Pages 1079-1087

Eman A Saad; Mona Y Y Abd Allah; Suzy Abd Elamabood Abd-EL-Hameed; Azza Abdel-Aziz; Zalata Khaled

Improving the Timely Reporting of Critical Radiological Results in Oncology to Enhance Patient Safety (A Quality Improvement Initiative at SQCCCRC)

Pages 1089-1097

Badriya Al Qassabi; Rashid Al Sukaiti; Shima Alajmi; Ahmed Sheikh Omar; Rawan Ibrahim; Balaqis Al Faliti; Aref Zribi; Juma Al Kasbi; Salim Nasser AlDhahli; Mashan Mohammed AlGhaithi; Nabiha Said AlHasni; Sara Al Sheedi; Huda Shinoon Al-Awaisi; Abdallah Al Farai; Omar Ayaad; Khalid Al-Baimani

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